2018, 1996, 1930, 1899 some kind of cold!
The recent cold snap saw the mercury fall to an official temperature of 12 degrees before the sun “warmed” things up Wednesday, Jan. 10.
The recent cold snap saw the mercury fall to an official temperature of 12 degrees before the sun “warmed” things up Wednesday, Jan. 10.
Before Spanish explorer Alvaro de Piñeda mapped the coast of Texas in 1519, it was the home of many Indian tribes.
There are a few of us old hides still around that experienced all three of Rockdale’s trips to the UIL state finals in football.
It’s probably useless but I can do no more than my duty, especially since my favorite magazine’s founding mission statement was “to stand athwart history and cry ‘stop’.”
This past week in commissioners court we voted on candidates for new four year terms on the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567