40% waste
The Rockdale City Council does not have a difficult task as it deals with how to fix Rockdale’s water problems. The Rockdale City Council has an impossible task as it
The Rockdale City Council does not have a difficult task as it deals with how to fix Rockdale’s water problems. The Rockdale City Council has an impossible task as it
Iasked the 15, soon to be 16-year-old, in the house if he would take the smartphone challenge. Really it was more forceful than asking. I begged. The challenge is to
Well, we have a new year three weeks in progress and it seems a fitting time to share some religious humor. You can thank Reporter reader Griff Singer of Austin,
Talk about a rollercoaster ride that puts Six Flags to shame. In about five days we’ve gone from “Bitmain is abandoning its Rockdale project” to “they’re hooking their supercomputers up
The Apostle Paul told a younger pastor named Timothy that in the Gospel days (2019) there will be times of difficulty because people will be: narcissistic, lovers of money, proud,
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567