Milam records 45th COVID-19 death

Milam County's dealth toll moved up to 45 with the report of another COVID-19 related death this week.

Countywide numbers:

1,375 total PCR cases

10 active PCR cases - up 3

1,049 total probable cases

3 active antigen cases - down 1

13 total active cases

3 hospitalized - up 1

45 deaths up 1

Monday the county tested 15 individuals in Rockdale with five positive results. No testing for the rest of the week.

There will run three clinics this week:

Wednesday 350 doses

Thursday 300 doses - Military will do this, but we will call those to be vaccinated

Friday 400 doses

All of the clinics will be in Rockdale and all of the vaccinations will be Moderna.

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567