

Our family attended Addy’s dance recital in College Station Sunday afternoon. All who participated did a great job. There were 33 performances and we enjoyed them all.

Fourth of July parade, meal canceled

There will be not celebration of the “stars and stripes” this year in our town. The Milano City Council decided to cancel the annual July 4th parade and community meal for this year at their meeting on Monday night. The event was the only one of its kind in the area. The cancellation is due to the current coronavirus pandemic.

Get busy about His business

Get busy about His business

Greg Laurie is a pastor and evangelist out of California. I saw he is preaching a new sermon series: End Times, Living Like Jesus Will Return Any Moment. Things to Do Before the End of the World. I don’t know anything about the sermon but that is some title and it makes you think.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567