Columns & Opinions
You have value because you are God’s
Lesley D. Weatherhead, in his book, A Plain Man Looks at the Cross, begins with a question: “How can the death of a man two thousand years ago have anything to do with my sins today, and the sins I have not yet committed?” He also uncovers the thin theology with which we have attempted to answer that question.
Important or urgent?
Iwas reminded the other day about a man I met four years ago. He was a 36-year-old man from Eagle Pass and he walked into my office on Tuesday. He had started walking days earlier and after a few rides and a few blisters later he was in deep East Texas. When we met, he was tired, hopeless (he had hoped to find some family here - it didn’t work out) homeless and hungry. We got him some food and a motel room for the night (plus a bottle of cream soda), it’s about all we could really do (it put us $68.00 over our benevolence budget). He reminded me of Raymond Babbitt, Dustin Hoffman’s character from the movie Rain Man. I shared with Louis that the best thing for him was to go back the way he came, to go back home, that we had done all we could for him. I told him enjoy the bed, enjoy the shower and enjoy the food but go back home.
The goings on around Milam County
Elec t ions a re soon approaching a nd regardless of how you’re voting, it’s important that we know when and where the voting is taking place. All of the relevant information on voting will be posted on the Elections site of the milamcounty. net website, but I thought I would put it out here as well so folks can get the information in multiple locations.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Urging all women to get a screening as soon as possible