Columns & Opinions

When you get better

When you get better

Christmas is quickly fading into my rear-view mirror as I think about the New Year. Let me encourage you, New Year, new you? Probably not. Let’s be real, you are not going to change much in the next year. I know this because I’m ordained, God likes me a lot and I’m still the same old person I was last year at this time. Okay, maybe I stretched the God likes me a whole lot part but I am ordained and that has to count for something, right!?

Who are people to you?

Who are people to you?

Back in November, I had the pleasure to attend the Southern Baptist of Texas Annual Meeting. That is the state convention that our church is a part of. During that meeting, we heard some amazing preaching, but one preacher really stuck out to me. It was Dr. Greg Matte from Houston’s First. I have heard him preach many times; in fact, I listen to his sermons via podcast often. He said something during his sermon there that really spoke to me, and I wanted to share it with you. He asked this question, “To you, are people scenery, machinery or ministry?”


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