Columns & Opinions

You shall not covet what is your neighbors

You shall not covet what is your neighbors

Amiddle-class woman from Virginia was visiting her sister’s home in Carmel, a modern, walled estate overlooking the Pacific. The sister’s family owned six new cars: She and her husband each owned two and each of the two children had been given one apiece. In the back of the property was a large garden, a swimming pool, a hot tub under its own gazebo and enough patio furniture for a large party. The sister had her own domestic employees: a yard and pool keeper, a maid and a weekday cook. Within the first half hour of her visit, the sister from Virginia whispered in awe to her sister, “I want what you have.”

Do it with gratitude

Do it with gratitude

Ihad a heart attack back in February. We eat healthy at our house (besides the occasional Sonic or Dairy Queen meal) and I run three miles every day so you would not think I would be a candidate for a heart explosion. The doctor tells me it’s bad genetics. My dad had heart trouble and my grandmother died from a heart attack in her fifties, so I guess I’m cursed.

Our reasons to give thanks

Our reasons to give thanks

Normally, I use this space to discuss the goings on of the county or other subjects that relate to what your county government is doing. I actually had another subject I was preparing for this article, but after spending some time on my tractor this weekend I decided to talk about Thanksgiving and its importance. So, I hope you’ll indulge me as I take a little bit of page space for personal reflection.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567