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Dear editor, The Mid-Texas Area Central Drop-off Location at Immanuel Baptist Church in Temple received 17, 336 Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts loaded on semi-tractor trailers were processed and sent to children in need in the countries of Chile, Botswana, Columbia, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, and Peru. Generous people in the Mid-Texas area chose to pack 437 shoebox gifts using the online. Volunteers drove 36 extra shoebox gifts to the Texas Processing Center. We couldn't have helped share the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries without your support and the many individuals, families, churches and organizations who helped pack and collect a total of 17,809 shoebox gifts in the Mid-Texas Area. Thank you for packing shoeboxes and encouraging others to pack boxes!


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567