Columns & Opinions


Dear editor, I want to thank all the wonderful people who donated money and sponsored our children in foster care for Christmas. Our children are all from Milam County and have been traumatized by parental physical and emotional abuse and severe neglect. Others have been traumatized by horrific sexual abuse.

Encourage and build up one another

Encourage and build up one another

Rev. Dr. John Kinney is Dean of Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. Dr. Kinney was brought up and schooled in Wheeling, West Virginia in the days of segregation, meaning there were no white children at his school. All twelve grades met in the same building but his second grade teacher had just died of pneumonia so his class was ushered into the third grader’s class under Miss Gertrude Dixon.

Jesus is the answer

Jesus is the answer

When Jesus told us we would have trouble in this world, He was not kidding (John 16:33). I’ve been reminded almost daily for the last couple of months how hard it is out there. People are hurting and it’s not your common variety of aches and pains, like your neighbor’s cat using your yard as a litter box. That’s a reality for us and it’s not something that brings me joy and it makes me ask questions like: Why don’t people keep their cats indoors with a litter box like we do, but that’s a topic for another day.


Rockdale Reporter

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