Registration for Texas Master Naturalist course
Are you passionate about Texas’s diverse ecosystems and eager to deepen your understanding of the natural world? The Texas Master Naturalist program is offering an exciting opportunity for individuals interested in enhancing their knowledge of the state’s flora and fauna.
Milam County 4-H’ers successful at stock shows
Milam County 4-H’ers have been extremely successful throughout the fall stock show season. Starting off in the heifer show at the Heart of Texas Fair in Waco, Wacey Butler was first in his class and Wylie Butler placed second with beefmaster heifers.
Hallelujah Festival to be held Oct. 27th New Jerusalem Church invites everyone to come to the church on Sunday, Oct. 27, from 2 to 4 p.m. for a citywide Hallelujah Festival, a sweet treat for the soul.