
Recipes using Joe’s tomatoes

Recipes using Joe’s tomatoes

Mom and I have been trying to think of ways to use Mr. Joe’s tomatoes, so here are some recipes I found. There is definitely nothing wrong with a plain old BLT, but here is a souped-up version from Chef Billy Parisi. Lindsey Lillard sells her homemade sourdough bread at Treat Yourself Boutique, so what’s stopping you?

German noodles and more

German noodles and more

Last Sunday Dad got us some barbeque chicken plates from the Milano Seniors at the KC Hall and included on the plates were the German noodles that are so popular everywhere but Rockdale. I wonder why it is that in Rockdale they are not popular. A mystery because they are so delicious.

Stay warm spiritually

Stay warm spiritually

I’ve been reading in 2nd Timothy and the Apostle Paul tells Timothy, a younger-middle aged pastor to throw another log on the fire. Actually, he tells him to, “fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2nd Timothy 1:6). Why does this Rock Star of a Christian tell his protege to “fire up?” Because if we are honest our spiritual flame starts to go out if we are not intentional about keeping it going.


Rockdale Reporter

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Rockdale, TX 76567