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Let Jesus come into your heart

In 1976, Paul McCartney and his band, Wings, performed his song, Let ’Em In. It was a song about his extended family, actual and symbolic. The refrain ran: Someone’s knocking at the door, Somebody’s ringin’ the bell, Do me a favor, open the door, And let ’em in. Yeah, yeah.

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Fix eyes on Jesus

I’ve got a friend (I know surprising huh?). This guy loves Jesus probably as much as anyone I know. We did church together for a long time and I love my friend, probably because He loves Jesus and He loves me.


San Gabriel Baptist Church to host gospel singing event Saturday San Gabriel Baptist Church will resume hosting an old-fashioned gospel singing event at 6 p.m. Saturday.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567