
Choosing a memory care unit for loved one with dementia

Choosing a memory care unit for loved one with dementia

Dear Savvy Senior, My dad has dementia and has gotten to the point that he can’t live at home any longer. I need to fi nd a good memory care residential facility for him but don’t know where to turn. Any suggestions? Only Daughter Dear Only, Choosing a good memory care residential unit for a loved one with dementia is a very important decision that requires careful evaluation and some homework.

Are you getting osteoporosis?

Are you getting osteoporosis?

Dear Savvy Senior, Can a person in their early fi fties have osteoporosis? When I fell and broke my wrist last winter the doctor that treated me told me I might have osteoporosis. Surprised Susan Dear Susan, While osteoporosis is much more common in adults over age 60, it can strike younger people too. In fact, according to the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation half of women and up to 25 percent of men in the U.S. over age 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Here’s what you should know.


Rockdale Reporter

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