Columns & Opinions

Church is happy place

Church is happy place

We have t a lked about this before but happy places matter. I have several happy places. For the most part any place the Blonde is present is a happy place for me. I love to be around the Blonde. The golf course, the tennis courts, even the treadmill has become one of my happy places. TCU, Tiger Stadium and any place there is some blue and gold is a happy place. Wherever they serve coffee, wherever our baby girl Klaire is (and now her new husband, yikes!) can be one of my happy places. And I always enjoy wherever my favorite barista is (our youngest son Jack).

Participation in process is fundamental

Participation in process is fundamental

E ach year Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (POSGCD) holds their Groundwater Summit in Caldwell. Last week I had the pleasure of addressing an audience of about 300 people there. This year was the ninth year they have held this event, and I have had the opportunity to attend the last five. Each year it seems to grow and that is good news. The Milam and Burleson County Judges each get to welcome the attendees and this year I spoke about public participation.


Rockdale Reporter

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Rockdale, TX 76567