
Band medalists
Band medalists
Band medalists

Band medalists

On May 7, members of the Rockdale Junior High School bands participated in the Rockdale ISD Solo and Ensemble Contest. Medalists were (L-R) Rebekah Ammons, superior on snare and mallet solos; Jasmin Nieto, superior on flute solo; and Elicia Rico, superior on flute solo. Submitted photos

Don’t be afraid to give offense if needed

Don’t be afraid to give offense if needed

In his book, Christianity and Liberalism, published in 1923, J. Gresham Machen says that “few desires on the part of religious teachers have been more harmfully exaggerated than the desire to avoid giving offense.” This desire, to avoid giving offense, at best inches dangerously close to dishonestly and, at worst, leads to the complete degradation of all things good.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567